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Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA)

Please call 211 to schedule an appointment ahead of time unless the site has walk-in availability.
Home Free Program - 211 San Joaquin | Get Connected. Get Help.

Home Free Program


  • Description:

    Helps runaway, homeless and exploited youth return home safely or get to a stable place where they can receive appropriate services.

    Reunites youth with their family or legal guardian or helps them get to an alternative living arrangement (ALA), such as a community-based transitional living program, through a free bus ticket.

    NRS is the sole organization that can issue a ticket through the Home Free program.

    For more information visit website at

  • Phone:


    Program Hours

  • Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
  • Location(s)

    Program Delivery

    • Eligibility: Eligibility requirements: *Youth must be between the ages of 12-21 and self-identify as homeless, runaway, or a victim of human trafficking. *Must agree to complete necessary steps to obtain ticket through the Home Free Program. *On occasion, parents, guardians or another adult family member designated by the parent or guardian may also receive a round-trip ticket to travel to the youth’s location, so they can accompany the youth home. **Youth under age 18 can only return to a parent or legal guardian, which may include a non-custodial parent, sibling age 21 or older, or an extended family member, such as aunt or uncle. **For youth ages 18 to 21, options include returning home or traveling to an approved ALA, such as confirmed residential services housing, including a transitional or independent living program willing to accept them. Youth who were formerly in the child welfare system have the option to travel to a prior adult caregiver. **Tickets are non-transferrable. **Participants must agree to participate in a follow-up phone call to verify the youth’s arrival and to review the utilization of local resources agreed upon during the Home Free ticketing process.
    • Languages: Other languages available through the language line, English
    • Application Process: Telephone call
    • Program Fees: Free
    • Required Documents: None
    • Service Area

    • Defined Coverage Area: N/A