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Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA)

Please call 211 to schedule an appointment ahead of time unless the site has walk-in availability.
Drive Clean Rebate Program - 211 San Joaquin | Get Connected. Get Help.

Drive Clean Rebate Program


  • Description: Offers rebate to eligible applicant for the purchase or lease of an eligible new clean vehicle.

    Applications are processed on a first-time, first-served basis while funds are available.

    For more information and list of eligible vehicles or apply online at  Drive Clean Rebate Program
  • Phone:


    Program Hours

  • Hours: Mon: 7:30am - 5:30pm; Tue: 7:30am - 5:30pm; Wed: 7:30am - 5:30pm; Thu: 7:30am - 5:30pm; Fri: 8am - 5pm;
  • Location(s)

    SJVAPCD - Northern Region - Modesto

    • Accessibility: Potential limitations to access – call for details
    • Address: 4800 Enterprise Way, Modesto, CA 95356

    Program Delivery

    • Eligibility: Must meet requirements: • Must live in San Joaquin County or within the San Joaquin Valley jurisdiction and at the time the new vehicle was purchased or leased. • Applicant must have purchased or leased the new vehicle within 18 months prior to the date the application is submitted. The vehicle must be on the District’s list of eligible vehicles on the date of purchase or lease. • The purchase or lease agreement must be for a minimum of 30 months and identify the vehicle as “New” to be eligible. - For floor models or test drive vehicles not previously registered with the California DMV, please contact the District for additional information prior to the purchase of the vehicle. • The new vehicle must be registered with the DMV within District boundaries currently AND at the time the new vehicle was purchased or leased. • Applicant must insure the new vehicle as required by California State law. • Applicant must retain ownership of the new vehicle for a minimum of 30 consecutive months immediately after the vehicle purchase or lease date.
    • Languages: English
    • Application Process: Telephone call or apply online at
    • Program Fees: Check website at
    • Required Documents: Complete the Rebate Application and Certificate Form, copy of purchase or lease agreement, copy of temporary or permanent registration of new vehicle, proof of current insurance, and current utility bill as proof of residency.
    • Service Area

    • Defined Coverage Area: San Joaquin County