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Hope Harbor Family Shelter
Offers a 24-hour, 365 days a year shelter to families and individuals with up to a 56-day stay per calendar year. Offers dinner every day. Offers a 6-month substance abuse pre-rehab program to individuals wanting to become clean. Once completion of pre-rehab program, individuals will be referred to other agencies for treatment.
- Hope Harbor Family Shelter Number: 209-367-9560
Website: lodi.salvationarmy.org/lodi/hope-harbor-shelter
Program Hours
Hope Harbor Family Shelter - North Sacramento Street
- Accessibility: Fully accessible to individuals using mobility aids
- Address: 622 North Sacramento Street, Lodi, CA 95240
Program Delivery
- Eligibility: Open to all. Must pass urinary analysis and alcohol tests.
No 290 offenders or sex offenders allowed. - Languages: English
- Application Process: Telephone call or walk-in for information
- Program Fees: Free
- Required Documents: None
- Defined Coverage Area: San Joaquin County