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Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA)

Please call 211 to schedule an appointment ahead of time unless the site has walk-in availability.
San Joaquin Valley Veterans - 211 San Joaquin | Get Connected. Get Help.

San Joaquin Valley Veterans


  • Description: Helps stabilize veteran families in the area of homeless prevention and rapid re-housing. Limited services are also available for veteran families who enter the program with Section 8 and HUD/VASH vouchers.

    Support the veteran in obtaining benefits if eligible, other public benefits, housing counseling, rental and utility assistance, security deposits, childcare and transportation. Also works with the VA and provides case management, referrals to enhanced care addressing medical or mental health concerns.

    Provide wellness workshops such as hygiene groups and incentives, budgeting and financial literacy. Additional services will be referred on a case by case.

    Operation MOVE (Mobile Outreach for Veteran Eligibility)
  • Phone:


    Program Hours

  • Hours: Mon: 8am - 5pm; Tue: 8am - 5pm; Wed: 8am - 5pm; Thu: 8am - 5pm; Fri: 8am - 12pm;
  • Location(s)

    Stockton - San Joaquin Valley Veterans - West March Lane

    • Accessibility: Potential limitations to access – call for information
    • Address: 2291 West March Lane, Stockton, CA 95207

    Program Delivery

    • Eligibility: Must meet criteria: *Must have served one day of active military duty. Can not have dishonorable discharge. *Must be a Veteran or a member of a family in which the head of household, or spouse of the head of household is a Veteran who is eligible for VA benefits. *Must be very low income or extreme low income as defined with 24 CRF 5.609
    • Languages: English
    • Application Process: Call for telephone intake, walk-in, or call to schedule an appointment
    • Program Fees: Free
    • Required Documents: ID, Social Security Card, Proof of Income, DD-214 (can assists to obtain these documents)
    • Service Area

    • Defined Coverage Area: San Joaquin County