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Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA)

Please call 211 to schedule an appointment ahead of time unless the site has walk-in availability.
Mediation - 211 San Joaquin | Get Connected. Get Help.



  • Description: Offers mediation service to resolve and settle between disputing parties without having to have a judge rule for or against them. Service is provide by trained, certified mediator. 

    Mediation available:
    • Community Mediation: Help resolve disputes between parties without having to go to court or involve law enforcement. Offers constructive process for resolving the differences and conflicts between individuals, groups, and organizations. Participates control the outcome of mediation and create their own alternatives to confrontation, prolonged litigation, or violence.
    • Court Connected Mediation: Available in the Stockton courthouse during Small Claims, Unlawful Dentainer (eviction), and Civil Harassment court sessions. Individuals appearing in these cases can participate in a shortened form of mediation without cost.
    Mediation is available for many non-criminal cases and best choice for cases that either do not involve large sums of money or do not involve substantial issues. Disputes can range from disputes between business partners to arguments between neighbors.

  • Phone:


    Program Hours

  • Hours: Mon: 8am - 3pm; Tue: 8am - 3pm; Wed: 8am - 3pm; Thu: 8am - 3pm; Fri: 8am - 3pm;
  • Location(s)

    San Joaquin County Bar Association - South El Dorado Street

    • Accessibility: Fully accessible to individuals using mobility aids
    • Address: 343 East Main Street, Stockton, CA 95202

    Program Delivery

    • Eligibility: Open to disputing parties in need of a neutral third party (mediator) to resolve disputes without the need of going to court.
    • Languages: English
    • Application Process: Telephone call
    • Program Fees: Sliding
    • Required Documents: Call for information
    • Service Area

    • Defined Coverage Area: San Joaquin County