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MISS Foundation Online Bereavement Support Group Forums - 211 San Joaquin | Get Connected. Get Help.

MISS Foundation Online Bereavement Support Group Forums


  • Description:

    Provides 24-hour online support group for individuals and families experiencing the loss of a child. Forums are led by a team of administrators along with a full team of moderators. Administrators and moderators are bereaved family members who have been trained to offer support. A place to acknowledge the grief and pain, share memories, express and share feelings of losing a child.

    Support groups:

    • Mourning for miscarriage - Board for parents who have experienced the death of a baby or babies through singular or recurrent miscarriage
    • Grieving for the death of a baby - Board for parents who have experienced a perinatal (during pregnancy), neonatal (shortly after birth), or infant death.
    • Toddler and young child death - Board for parents who have experienced the death of a toddler or young child.
    • Parents who have loss a teen or adult child - Board for parents of teen or older children who have died from any cause
    • Fatal Diagnosis During the Perinatal Period - Board for families to discuss the death or impending death, of a much loved child with fatal anomalies
    • Dad's Place - Board for fathers who have experienced the death of a child of any age, due to any cause
    • Situational Families - Board for single or divorced parents, situational families, and parents who have lost their only child or children
    • AGAST: Alliance of Grandparents - Board for grandparents who have experienced the death of a grandchild
  • Phone:


    Program Hours

  • Hours: Mon: 8am CT - 5pm CT; Tue: 8am CT - 5pm CT; Wed: 8am CT - 5pm CT; Thu: 8am CT - 5pm CT; Fri: 8am CT - 5pm CT;
  • Location(s)

    Program Delivery

    • Eligibility: Anyone experiencing with the loss of a child
    • Languages: English
    • Application Process: Telephone call or register to join at
    • Program Fees: Free
    • Required Documents: None
    • Service Area

    • Defined Coverage Area: N/A