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Safely Surrender Baby Program
A baby can be safely surrendered at a public or private hospital or fire station. At the time of surrender, a bracelet is placed on the baby for identification purposes and a matching bracelet is provided to the parent or lawful guardian. A parent or person with lawful custody has up to 14 days from the time of surrender to reclaim their baby. The baby will be placed in a foster or pre-adoptive home.
Safe Surrender sites can be found through a search of "Hospitals" or "Fire Stations".
- Toll-Free: 877-222-9723 (BABY-SAF)
Website: www.cdss.ca.gov/inforesources/safely-surrendered-baby
Program Hours
San Joaquin County - Baby Surrender Site
- Accessibility: Information not provided by agency
- Address: Confidential site, San Joaquin County, CA undefined
Program Delivery
- Eligibility: Any person with lawful custody of newborn baby
- Languages:
- Application Process: Go to a fire station or hospital to safely surrender an infant
- Program Fees: Free
- Required Documents: A medical questionnaire must be offered, however it is a voluntary document and can be declined
- Defined Coverage Area: N/A