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Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA)

Please call 211 to schedule an appointment ahead of time unless the site has walk-in availability.

Contact Us

The purpose of 211 San Joaquin (211SJ) is to make it easy for people to find the help they need when they need it.

Call 211 for referrals to local resources. We are here to help, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you are unable to connect by dialing 211, please call (800) 436-9997 or email

We want to make sure you are able to reach us when you need help. If you are unable to reach us by calling 211, please let us know right away. When you call or email to report a problem, let us know which telephone service provider you are using so that we may address the problem appropriately.

211SJ provides assistance in locating health, human, and social services. It does not replace the 411 Directory Assistance nor 911 Emergency Services.

If you are looking for child care and related services provided by Family Resource Center, please call (209) 948-1553 or email

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