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Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA)

Please call 211 to schedule an appointment ahead of time unless the site has walk-in availability.

Resources for Caseworkers

Dial: 211
 or 800-436-9997

From a mobile device, text your zip code to 898211 to get started.

Email Us:

How 211 San Joaquin Helps Caseworkers Like You

211 San Joaquin (211SJ) provides caseworkers with a vast resource database and referral network that can make a difference for their clients.

Our services can help you:

  • Find local services that can assist your clients
  • Build customized resource lists
  • Choose from more than 4,600 services for referral
  • Ensure your clients’ needs are met
  • Provide follow-up support
  • Address related issues for well-rounded client care
  • Offer trained assistance from 211 Information Specialists when clients reach out

The Goal of a Closed-Loop Referral

As a caseworker, you know how important it is to have resources outside your immediate scope at your disposal so you can help your clients get their needs met and get back to their lives.

211 San Joaquin prioritizes closed-loop referral, a process in which our team members follow up with clients to determine whether they received services and to ask if their need was met. Closed-loop referral provides a more robust support system and creates better outcomes for clients.

Browse our many partners and providers that can help meet the basic needs of your clients.